...to 80 dollars.
So last night, under an honest mistake, I was jipped out of an 80 dollar tip. It really was an honest mistake, the girl had sold the 240 dollar Dom Perignon to the guests in my section, so she was going to get the commission. Sucks, but that is how it works. Than, when the end of the night came around, we were all running around like chickens with our head's cut off (the owner of the company was riding 5 star...) the guest's signed their credit card receipt for their Dom and added an 80 dollar tip to it. They handed it to me while I was holding a tray of wine glasses and the bar tender grabbed it so he could close the bar. I forgot to write my name on the top of the slip because I was in such a rush.
At the end of the night when I had realized what I had done and went running to the bartenders to try to get the receipt, it had already been filed. So, they told me, the horrifying news that it will either go to the company...F THAT...or to the girl who sold the Dom because her name was on the commission and the credit card was paying for the Dom.
I was pissed.
Granted it was an honest mistake and she does deserve it, she works really hard and is putting her money away so she can go to a Military school and pay for her mom and brother to survive here in Hawaii...but *sigh* ugggggh! It still sucks. I'd rather have the money go to her than to the company...like they need anymore money...but wow what a bummer. They tipped me 10 dollars cash at least. But still.
Anyway working 5 Star on a ship means that I get an awesome *rolls eyes* tuxedo jacket with gold cuff links, a bow tie and white gloves. It's not that hard but oh boy do you feel like an idiot when people first walk on the ship and look at you like....WTF? ahahaha. All I did yesterday was look for whales, to no avail.
But speaking of whales, Grady and I are going to take advantage of the nice...kinda voggy...weather and go to the Windward side and try to find some whales of our own.
Hope everyone has a good day!
stuck somewhere on my little rock in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.