Speaking of working. I had some CRAZY stuff happen to me a few nights ago! There was a charter on our top deck of our ship, the charter was called "Dream Club". It was a cosmetic company from Japan, something like Mary Kay, and they were the top sellers of their company. 90 of them had won a trip to Hawaii and were having their going-away dinner on the Star of Honolulu.
So here comes onto our ship 90 decked out Japanese women in full prom dresses, HUGE jewelery, crazy hair pieces, fur coats, way too done-up makeup...all 90 of them speaking in high-pitched tones. We told them that we were going to seat them, and we were standing in the dining room (because they go out to the back deck to take pictures with the Captain) and we're holding trays of drinks. Out of nowhere there's a rumbling on the ship. The whole ship starts to shake and all of a sudden, theres 90 Japanese women RUNNING and screaming at us. It was like a bad game show. Prom dresses flying, full out SPRINTING at us from both sides. All of us ducked and hid and tried not to drop our drinks as they ran past us grabbing and shoving and playing high-pitched rock-paper-scissors so they could sit next to the owner of the company. It was something out of a movie. All I could do was laugh because I was scared for my life. When the Captain came to toast, they irrupted into cheers and screams of "HAI!" One of the servers literally couldn't serve because all the girls lined up to take photos with him the entire night. They were sitting on the floor so others could see the jazz show while they waited to take pictures with him...hahahaha!
Earlier that morning we hiked the Lanikai pillbox to a lookout that over-looked all of the windward side. Here's some photos :)
That's my favorite slug ever haha!
Alright off to take Grady to school, do some homework and nurse my sea urchin wounds, haha :) Hope everyone has a good day!
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