The past few weeks have absolutely flown by. I saw my brother graduate from the United States Coast Guard. That was incredible and humbling. To be completely jet-lagged, half-way around the world from where I started and see my brother march in a completely changed man was amazing. Within two days I had traveled from Honolulu to Cape May, New Jersey. I was in this kind of strange haze of sleepiness and shock. My cousins had drove from New York to see him graduate and being there with my family and Paige in far away place inside a military base was kind of surreal. When the ceremony started I had no idea what to expect, but when the Guardians of Uniform 182 marched into that graduation hall I was filled with pride. My brother looked completely different, acted completely different...all for the better of course. He had military bearing, was 20 lbs lighter and stood taller. It was so neat! Despite the lack of sleep and the snow flurries it was all and all a good trip.

Right now S.A. Michael Saylor is stationed in New London, Connecticut onboard the CGC Chinook.
In the meantime he said he is living in a "ghost" building. He hasn't seen very many people since he moved...haha.
Not much else happening in my life. Just the general stress that comes along with school, work and trying to figure out a meaning in life. I've almost completed my Stage 5 of my vet assistant training...only 5 more to go. Including an externship..eek!..before I can get a job in "real world"...if there is such a thing.
Alright, off I go into the ominous territory of textbooks and studying.
If I don't see you, good morning, good afternoon and good night.
You mean "the meaning of life", and you know that. Just live it now.