Monday, May 16, 2011

Finding a little motivation

Finding some motivation has been hard lately. Over the past few weeks sitting at a desk putting the ins and outs of a 8-4:30 shift has been wearing on me. Looking outside at the beautiful Oahu day and feeling stuck in a cubicle can be draining. I'd come home to a house I was too tired to deal with and take out any frustration on poor Tyler. I was moody, irritable and couldn't find the inspiration to get my butt up and doing something. When all I really wanted to do was SOMETHING.

After some convincing from Tyler and grumpy motivation from myself, I finally attended my first CrossFit class. I was super nervous going into it. The ladies outside pretty much told me to be prepared to die and feel in pain but that it would be worth it in the end. That didn't make me feel too much better. I was expecting a gym of meat-heads and big buff ladies and to have me be this little out of shape girl trying to lift something and looking like a fool. But it was actually totally opposite.

Every walk of life was there. Tyler and another guy (besides the owners and coaches) were the only guys that were really in shape. I'm not even going to pretend to lift and squat as much as Tyler...or attempt the pull ups he was doing... but there was big, tall, small, fat, skinny, in shape, out of shape, every walk of life. It was a fairly small class for a Saturday morning and the atmosphere was really nice, everyone was encouraging and positive. I guess it was a good day to start because it was core day and we switched from squats to various ab workouts. After the warm-up the session only took me 12:58 minutes to complete. I was the last of most people to be done but less than 13 minutes and I was done! I felt energized, motivated and inspired.

Two days later I'm still sore. I can't really do a situp and God forbid I gotta take a pee where I have to fall back onto the toilet (still too much of a squatting position that I have to get into to do that...). But it feels GOOD. I feel like this is something different. Every workout will be different. It's short and sweet and to the point. I can get in, get out, get a better body and get on with my life. After doing some homework on CrossFit I'm SO ready to look like all of these people and these success stories. I refuse to be a statistic. On more than one level. But in terms of the "fat America" and the "I have no time to workout" and the "I eat fast food because its easily available" statistics, no thank you. I want to look like the people in the success stories. Tyler and I don't eat too bad as it is, but we decided to cut alcohol out of our diets completely. Hardly any sugar, lean meat (for Tyler. Just the protein in tofu for me), watch the melted cheese and carbs and drink no soda, limit juice and increase water. Eat more sprouted grains, local grown, organic when can and fresh fruit and veggies. On top of Tyler working at Whole Foods already, luckily, we are limiting the amount of times we can eat out and cooking more at home. I'm also stopping eating when I'm full. Not being glutenous and eating whatever is left on my plate.

And in terms of getting healthy and not being a statistic, it shouldn't be that hard to get to. I want to do a pull up and a squat with 45 pounds (which was the min we were supposed to do on Saturday but I did 20). I want to sit down in a bikini and not have to worry about sucking it in. I want to dance and jump and have nothing jiggle. I want a lean, flat stomach and toned legs. I want a butt! I want strong arms and back and no shake comin with them fries. I want to look good in my wedding dress!!

I'm going to buy workout clothes and I'm going to try to go a min of 3 times a week. 4 or 5 if time allows (or I can walk). But I strongly encourage everyone to just TRY. It's so completely different than anything I've ever done before. It hurts but it's so great. So worth it!! 1 down. I don't know measurements but I do know weight. I weigh 128 pounds right now. Heaviest I've been my whole life. I'm ok losing weight, ideal would be about 115. But I would love to gain muscle and definition, that is ideal.

CrossFit! Namaste :)

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Dear Universe

Dear Universe,

I will prevail. I will be happy. I will prosper. I will be successful. I will find the beauty in everyday. I will be healthy. I will marry this man. I will be wealthy. I will do my best. I will be everything I have ever wanted to be. I will conquer. I will reach my goals. I will make this world a better place. I will accomplish all that I set my mind to. I am here. I am not going anywhere. I am a force to be reckoned with. I will live. I will love. I will be the best Brianna I can be.

Just a warning.

Sincerely with aloha,


I believe

A LOT has been going on in my life. I keep writing notes on pieces of paper at work to add to my blog. But, here is one of them, considering things that have been happening in my life...


I Believe a few things deeply. Things that I feel are rooted into the very fiber of my being and things I can not change no matter how hard I try. These things may be a product of my up bringing or environment, or simply things I have experienced hands on that have shaped who I am. Regardless, they are my beliefs. If you feel differently, I greatly respect that. your opinion is as much of who you are as mine are to me, so try to understand where I come from.

I believe fully in animal rights. Inhumane and unnecessary suffering of any living creature is wrong. I can not relate to anyone who feels differently. Regardless of species, the dog you have as a pet has the same emotions, fear, excitement, understanding and blood as the cow you eat for dinner. There is NO excuse that we, as functioning humans who understand that every creature experiences pain on a certain level, we should inflict that upon any creature. IT IS possible, it IS healthy to eat an entirely vegetarian or mostly vegetarian diet. To me, the sacrifice of a life is not worth the taste in my mouth.

I believe lesbian, gay, bi and transgender should be free to marry. I have been lucky enough in my life to have found and felt great love. Why deny that to anyone? The "institution of marriage" is based on the morals and values of the individuals involved. Look how many heterosexual couples have ruined that. On the same subject, I can not and refuse to even pretend to symphathize with any individual who bullies and/or protests at funerals, etc. How dare you? If the tables were turned and someone protested at yours, you would cry, bitch and moan. EVERYONE should be free to love. This is something I am incredibly passionate about. I am sad California appealed Prop 8. There are so many more important things in the world than marriage of a gay couple. Equal rights for all. Some guys marry guys, some girls kiss girls...GET OVER IT.

I believe our military should have higher pay. The reason people can protest at military funerals is because that son/daughter/father/mother/wife/brother/sister died for your rights. These people should never have to deal with budget cuts, etc. They are the ones with the biggest sacrifice. I have so much respect for our military, they should never worry about not being able to pay rent or obtaining insurance. Our corrupt government...

I believe everyone should understand how much of an impact they have on our environment. I am a marine conservation freak. Sorry, I wont get started on this particular subject, but turning a blind eye won't make a difference. Then bitching that there is a Texas-size trash heap when laws permit dumping? Come on.

I believe wages should be higher, taxes should be lower. All managers should spend a day in all departments and not in the luxury of their air conditioned offices. Pulling up four hours late in their BMW's and say how busy they are. F you and your four vacation homes. Telling me a raise isn't in your budget.

I am not liberal. But I am starting to assume I am not Republican. I think all politicians are equally wrong. I'm sorry I did not vote for Obama. I don't agree with the Libyan war. I don't think we sould give them media coverage. These people are destroying themselves when people in Japan are dying because of circumstances that are beyond their control. And shame on radical church groups who are saying this is punishment for sins.

I believe in God. I believe in meditation and energy forces. I have practiced yoga. I have attended church. I am a military supporter. My baby brother is gay. I am vegetarian. I HAVE eaten meat. I think marine conservation is important. I have trained captive dolphins. I am a scientist and a self-proclaimed environmentalist. I do believe all extremest groups can be wrong. I think if you can work, you should not ask for free hand-outs, but if you need it and have paid into the system, you should be provided unemployment. I can understanding wanting to better your life, but I think illegal immigration is wrong. My family did it the right way, so should you. I don't necessarily agree with our college system, but I did go and now I am paying it back. I see where taxes are good, but ridiculous raises in them are unnecessary.

There. I feel better. Judge me. This is me. I don't care. I am not overly either side in most issues but these. Take it or leave it.
