Friday, September 23, 2011

I love you, therefore I am

I love you.

Not only would I die for you, take a bullet for you and all other cliche terms, but I will clean your dirty underwear off the floor and wash your dishes. I will promise to feed you, clothe you and rub your head when you are sick. I love you in a way that I can't describe without beginning to feel emotional. I promise to always inspire your dreams and encourage your ambitions. I love you therefore I will listen to your hours of video games and even buy you more to encourage it. I love you so I will do your laundry, clean your dishes and scrub your toilet. Yes I said it, I'll make you a sandwich.

I know you enjoy listening to your music loud and you will eat all the tortilla chips in the bag in one sitting. I know your allergies (or what you used to be allergic to) and therefore can't buy pistachios for myself anymore. Shirt sizes are particular to you and one day you hope to grow a full beard for playoff season. I know that you feel better in the ocean than you do doing anything else and that you are an incredibly talented musician. I like to imagine I amuse you with my ridiculous dancing and freaking out over animals, because it always makes you laugh. And that laugh is something I would pay money to be able to listen to everyday. I love you from your flat feet to your curly cow-lick and wouldn't change a thing about you. I know that you want to help people and you are wonderful at being approachable because you radiate charm and confidence. People are drawn to you like a moth to a flame. I know that you can cook a mean steak, although I'll never eat it, I believe you. You look so dashing in your uniform but I love you in your boardshorts and you make me swoon when you put on a button-up.

I love you so I have opened myself to situations that used to be frightening to me. I love you because you tell "I'm here and I will never let anything happen to you." I love you so I have taken into consideration circumstances that at one point I had sworn off altogether. You have never given me a reason to doubt you, only a reason to see that this is the right situation for us to be in right now at this moment in time.

I love you so I will never forget the snowy parking lot, the thin Coastie staring back at me. I will never forget the wind chimes in Santa Barbara and the ice cream on the pier. I will never forget the Silicon Valley Humane Society and that incredibly sick drive up to San Jose. I will never forget trying to figure out how to sleep comfortably on a twin bed. I'll never forget Honolulu airport and the exhilaration I felt at seeing your face. I love you and I will always hold dear Waikiki beach during a thunderstorm and the pink lightening that was lighting up the sky couldn't do justice to the explosions of love I was feeling inside my heart. I'll never forget watching you come alive as you teach a class and the power you posses. I will never forget how you held my hand and told me everything will be ok, stood me up and walked me to the car when all I wanted to do was lay down and cry. I will never forget the epiphany of knowing that home for me doesn't have to be a physical foundation, but one person and the relationships that we carry for each other. That home and love stretch across time, space and distance and that the web of passion you can feel flexes and retracts in a perfectly orchestrated dance that leaves neither of us feeling alone no matter where in the world one is in relevance to the other.

I love you in ways that I never thought were possible for a human to feel towards another. I love you so I will sacrifice parts of myself to let you shine. I love you so I will sit back and watch you sparkle in the best way you can. I love you so I will do my best to be my best and make the best of not the best. For all the ways that you have held me calm and straight, I will one day be able to do for you. I love you so I will be the mirror that reflects your light, because I know one day you will hold the mirror for me. I love your encouragement, your laughter, your pride and your optimism. I love you and I will return all the love that you have shown me tenfold. I love you and I will try to give you everything that I can manage to give. I'll plant seeds in your heart and water them until they turn into giant trees. I'll stay anywhere in the world as long as it sparks a fire in your soul that feels "meant to be". In the end, I'll reach to you from where time just can't go.

I love you so I will take your name and wear it proud. I love you so I will give you all of myself and absorb all of what you can give me. I love you more than walls and windows and more than here or there. I loved you once, I love you now and I will love you again. I love you more than this place, than this time, than this situation. Yet in this place, I've learned to love you more than I have ever known, in this time I know I love you more than ever have and in this situation you have shown me that you love me more than I have ever imagined. In the next place I will love you more than I do now, in the next time I will know that I love you more than I did yesterday and in the next situation you will show me that you love again.

I love you, therefore I am.

1 comment:

  1. This is beautiful. I hope one day to find my 'home' and feel love comparable to the love for which you feel for your partner. Your understanding and grattitude for the divine essence that is love in all its entirety is humbling. Thank you.
